What is IoT ? Why connect things ?

Think about the time and energy you could save if you didn’t have to walk, drive, fly to your devices to retrieve measurements, turn on/off devices, change some configuration, by just doing it remotely. Think about the customer satisfaction increase and the money you could save in penalties if you didn’t have to wait for […]
A checklist to ensure reliable connectivity

To ensure IoT connectivity, businesses today require robust network infrastructure and technical expertise to ensure network reliability. Today the market offers a wide range of opportunities to fulfill connectivity needs. But it can be challenging to determine which meets your needs. Therefore, this article provides insight into the factors you must control to deliver reliable […]
Full data history: A strategy to stay in control of your IoT

Today a growing number of connected Internet of Things (IoT) devices are transforming how enterprises collect, analyze and utilize vast amounts of data. The average individual may have one mobile phone, SIM, or device for personal use. However, for businesses with millions of IoT devices, maintaining connectivity and the flow of information is critical. But, […]
Make your connectivity profitable

IoT technology is the future. The Internet of Things (IoT) devices utilize the Internet to provide connectivity that intersects the physical and virtual worlds. These interconnected devices are improving how businesses and human beings communicate and interact with our environment. Today, IoT enables innovative applications and services across businesses to improve efficiency, performance and increase […]